Learn AI or Get Left Behind

Career / September 12, 2023 • 3 min read
Tags: AI

The AI boom has not gone unnoticed, ChatGPT captured everyone’s attention with its science fiction like behavior, and the generative image AIs have gone super nova, disrupting everything we knew about art.

We have not yet figured out what all this means for the future. One thing is clear though, if you want to be apart of the future, you’re going to need to learn AI.

Large language models (LLMs) have already taken people by storm and changed how people work. Professions like human resources, content writers, support and many more, have seen their respective fields disrupted beyond imagination. This is only the beginning, more professions are going to experience the same shock to their systems.

Learn AI Today

It’s clear to me that if you want to thrive in the future job market, learning not only how to use AI tools, but being able to build your own tools and reason about AI on a deeper level is going to set you apart from the rest.

LLMs are probably going to do a lot of things in the future. Even so, someone needs to build, improve and secure them. There’s most likely going to exist technology around LLMs that needs building and maintaining, such as pipelines. If you can learn the trade required to be in that space, you are never going to be out of a job.

Imagine the people who lived through the dot com bubble and saw the Internet grow into what it is today. Who was the most successful, the ones who embraced the Internet or the people who neglected it? Technical people thrived in that era. Those who were not technical but understood the relevance and consequences of the Internet, knew how to thrive.

AI dystopia on the horizion

It’s hard to emphasize how paramount AI is going to be once it becomes so advanced, that we can’t distinguish it from a human. In such a scenario, AI is going to be seen as a national security threat by the leading super powers. As such, I’m worried that the global powers will cripple AI and require a license to operate an advanced AI. I hope this will not come true, but should this be the timeline that awaits us, knowing how to build, operate and improve various AI systems is going to be crucial to resist the dystopian future.

I can already see it, rogue AI systems working for the people, while raging against the global rule. Of course, things might get messy. There will very well exist sane arguments for why we should contain super advanced AI, or artificial general intelligence (AGI). But that access should never be restricted to military and wealthy elites. AGI belongs to the human race. It can help all of us. Even more reason to invest time and energy to go deeper into AI rather than learning superficial tricks.

Nuff said, where do I learn AI?

There are a gazillion resources to learn from, but I’m going to just give you two resources to set you on the path towards a future where you are building AI:

These two resources complement each other well and is all you need to become proficient in deep learning and start building your own AI models and tools.

If you have zero programming experience, you are going to need to learn Python. You’ll find loads of resources for mastering Python online. Ask ChatGPT for help ;)